Today is Tuesday 3rd January 2023. The last post I published on here was on Week 10 all the way back on 10th November!
It was that week that I made the decision to STOP EVERYTHING to do with dieting, exercise and all things healthy, and enjoy CHRISTMAS! Now, of course, you cant really say November 10th is Christmas, but it was close enough for me, because there started to be too many Christmasy style, food and drink related things going on which I just just not willing to miss out on!
I know, I know! Whatever happened to will power, and about being re-educated about food etc, etc – well I thought FCUK IT, ITS CHRISTMAS! And do you know what, I’ve loved it. Its been great, catching up with friends and family that I haven’t seen for ages on big nights out, drinking way too many rum n cokes and eating pretty much everything I could, so I haven’t even felt guilty about it!
So, what’s the damage….
272 lbs or 19 stone 7 lbs
I was 260 on my last weigh in on 17th November, so im up 12lbs!
Neck – 19.5 inches (UP 1 inch since 1st November, the last size check)
Belly – 51 inches (UP 1 inch since 1st November, the last size check)
Arse – 48 inches (SAME as my last size check)
TOTAL 118.5 inches (UP 2 inches since 1st November, the last size check)
Well that’s not good now is it!!!! Its not just a huge jump up from my last weigh-in, its 6lbs more than when i first started this 1 year weight loss plan back in September! Told you I’d had ALOT of fun lol!
The good news is that I’ve well and truly got all that out of my system (to be honest im a bit sick of food right now!), so I’m more than ready to get straight back on it where i left off. That means being more active, and getting back on the Weight Watchers diet, including the ‘calorie smart’ range from Hello Fresh.
Edit – 4th Jan – The plan was to get back in the gym, but ive managed to get Covid AGAIN, and feel like a bag of crap right now. But as soon as im back on my feet, I’ll be in the gym every day! And im really looking forward to it!