Well I just suck at this losing weight game! 4lbs up! WTF!
After a few weeks of eating and drinking way too much over my birthday, I was meant to get straight back on it, but I failed massively!
The first couple of days I did the gym and tried to get back on track, but my heart really wasn’t in it, and by the weekend I had given up.
I’ve just got zero will-power and just love good food and drinking way too much.
I’ve had several things on this week which hasn’t helped:
Monday – Chinese takeaway at mine with a load of family
Wednesday – Out to a steak restaurant with friends, which included heavy drinking for 5-6 hours
Thursday – Out for a curry with mates
How the hell am I meant to lose weight with all this going on?
I’ve got a plan though. I’m writing off this coming weekend too, and then starting fresh on Tuesday the 1st of November.