This week I increased the weight (kg) across every exercise I do in the gym. Not by a lot, but after 3 weeks of consistent workouts, I thought it was about time because I want to get better and increase strength, not just stay as is.
One quote I love from this guy from Fightcamp ( that I follow on YouTube is ‘If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you!‘, and the extra weight on the dumbbells this week has definitely challenged me – as you can see from the faces I’ve been pulling!
‘If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you!
Towards the end of the video above, you’ll see that I’ve managed to lose another 2lbs this week! To be honest I’m really surprised as a couple of times this week I’ve gone to the fridge and cut myself a big chunk of cheese, or helped myself to the kids leftover sausage and mash! It’s dumb. Its things like this that I need to rein in if I want to lose weight and more importantly keep it off long term!
2 more days to go until I’ve completed month one…