Here’s my first attempt at capturing on video a mashup of what I’ve done in the gym this week. If you make it all the way to the end, you’ll also see what I’ve learnt this week and how much weight I’ve lost!
Having never done any recording before, its been an interesting experience. I guess a little harder than I thought too, so I’ve now got a lot more respect for those YouTuber’s and Instagrammer’s that churn out tons of highly polished, well lit, planned and rehearsed content every day! Just to set expectations up front, I’m not one of those people!
What I’ve Learnt In Week 1:
I was right, I really do look crap: Its been hard watching back some of the daily videos I’ve made this week. That belly is shocking!
I should have taken it easy on my first day back in the gym: Stupidly, I walked in the gym, and without any warm-up, got straight back into multiple sets of fairly heavy weights (for me). Really bad idea! I had intended to go to the gym most days this first week, but after doing way too much on day 1, I hurt so much I had to skip it until day 5!
Sidenote: Theres only a quick 5 second clip of me in the gym on Day 1 on the video. I did a full hour in there, but just forgot to record any of it! #Fail
Creating content is harder than it looks: As I said above, there’s more to it than sticking your phone in the corner and pressing record. You have to muck about with camera angles and lighting, then find some online software to edit out all the crap that no one wants to see! I’m learning on the job, so expect these first few videos to be a bit rough, but I’m hoping to get the hang of it soon.
Marking completed gym sessions on my 1 year weight loss goals chart is helping me keep motivated: As you’ll see on the video, I’ve made myself a 1 year goals chart, and after every gym session I colour in a circle to show what I’ve achieved that day! It’s basic, but does the job of visually reminding me how well I’m doing. Even after just a week of doing it, I’m hooked.
I need to improve my weight training form – I’m all over the place: This isn’t the first time I’ve used weights or the punch bag to help lose some weight, BUT its the first time I’ve recorded myself and watched it back… and I can see LOTS of area’s that I need to improve on, which I’ve probably been doing wrong for years. Amongst other things I need to: Keep my back straight while rowing. Slow down during some of the weight lifting exercises, and speed up on others. And I definitely need to speed up boxing (I’m so slow I thought there must be something wrong with the recording the first time I watched it back LOL!). I guess this is why many people have personal trainers, to pick them up on stuff like that!
I think I need new gym clothes: I’m basically just wearing really old clothes that I no longer wear out and about. Most of the tops have hole’s in, and the bottoms are baggy and stretched. Combine that with gym-gloves (which I hate wearing, but do a good job of saving your hands!) and your on to a right winner lol! I know it’s really not a good look, but until I started doing these video’s, no one ever saw me working out as I was just in my home-gym on my own, so it wasn’t a problem! I think I need to treat myself to new gym gear once I hit my first 1 stone weight loss! What do you think? Should I care? Will it make a difference? Let me know your thoughts below.
I really need to clear out my garage: As you’ll see in the video, when I say ‘gym’ I mean the small selection of weights and the 4 or 5 pieces of gym equipment I’ve thrown in my garage! It does the job, but at the end of the day it’s still a garage, and like most people its where we store a ton of crap…. bike’s, buckets, snow sledges, shovels, tools etc. All of which make’s it feel really cluttered. In the coming weeks I’ll have a good sort out and try to make it more gym-like.